Dear Faculty and Staff:

I am pleased to announce that Kenneth J. Fridley, Ph.D. 被任命为bet8体育娱乐入口负责研究的副校长2024年1月10日生效. Dr. 自去年8月以来,弗里德利一直临时担任该职位, 同时担任巴顿工程与技术学院院长. Throughout this period, Dr. Fridley has provided strong leadership to the Office of Research, its personnel, programs, and initiatives, 同时继续他对他的大学和他的学科坚定不移的承诺.

Dr. 弗里德利将继续担任研究副校长和巴滕工程与技术学院临时院长的双重角色,直到学院的永久领导人可以通过全国搜索确定. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Austin Agho, Ph.D. 将在未来几周内领导寻找工作,并负责确定一家公司并召集一个委员会. Provost Agho said, “I have enjoyed working with Dr. Fridley and having him as a part of the academic leadership team, 但我也同样喜欢在更广泛的大学结构中成为他的同事. 我相信他会在未来的许多年里继续成为大学社区的一名积极而成功的成员.

Dr. 弗里德利在学术和研究管理方面拥有丰富的经验. Prior to joining Old Dominion University in July 2022, Dr. 弗里德利曾在阿拉巴马大学工程学院担任行政高级副院长八年. 他还担任了一年的荣誉学院的临时院长和民事部门的负责人, Construction, and Environmental Engineering for 12 years. 在这些职位和他在阿拉巴马大学的20年任期内, he built a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and readiness for change, in addition to his long-standing history of grant activity.

Since becoming a Monarch, 事实证明,他是一位有远见的领导者和积极的合作伙伴,专注于教学, research, and service. From a scholarly and research perspective, Dr. Fridley被公认为工程木结构的领先专家, performance, and hazard mitigation. 他发表了65篇同行评议的期刊论文,并与人合著了领先的木材工程设计教科书, “Design of Wood Structures.” Dr. Fridley has been responsible for more than $14.4 million in sponsored research, which is supported by a wide variety of federal, state, and industry sources. 他的许多研究直接影响了土木工程专业, resulting in changes in national design specifications, standards, and codes.

In being named the Vice President for Research, Dr. Fridley shared, “在整个秋季学期担任双重角色是一种忙碌而有益的经历. 我对理大在教学方面的三重使命有了更深刻的认识, research, and service. 我期待着为大学不断发展的研究事业提供强有力的愿景和变革性的领导,并与一群杰出的研究管理人员和世界一流的教师研究人员合作.”

Dr. 弗里德利的任命得到了校园社区成员的积极反应.

  • Sachin Shetty, Ph.D., 他是弗吉尼亚建模中心安全与智能关键系统中心的执行主任, Analysis, 计算建模与仿真工程教授, said, “As a proud Monarch alumnus and current faculty researcher, I congratulate Dr. Fridley on this well-deserved appointment. Under the leadership of President Hemphill, Dr. 弗里德利和他才华横溢的团队致力于提高大学的研究水平. 作为2021年卡内基分类的顶级研究机构, our standing as a research institution continues to evolve, which will result in more active proposals and successful outcomes. Dr. Fridley将是我们持续发展和未来增长的关键组成部分.”
  • College of Health Sciences Dean Bonnie Van Lunen, Ph.D. stated, “Dr. 弗里德利的合作方式使他在自己的学院和整个大学取得了巨大的成功. 我很欣赏亨普希尔校长能够表彰我们校园里的杰出人才. With today’s announcement, Dr. 弗里德利将继续在老自治领出类拔萃,并收到来自所有学术院长和其他君主显著水平的支持,以推进我们当前和未来的研究努力.”
  • Faculty Senate Chair Michael Carhart, Ph.D., who is also a Professor of History, shared, 弗里德利副校长最近完成了对研究合规和利益冲突政策的彻底修订, 这是一个必要的措施,考虑到赞助研究的增加,将我们提升到R1地位. 教务委员会期待弗里德利副校长在政策和实践的合作过程中发挥领导作用.”

Over the course of the past few months, I have seen Dr. 弗里德利在许多复杂而关键的问题上是一个真正活跃和有能力的领导者,通过最佳实践和创新方法,使bet8体育娱乐入口在创新研究和经济发展领域获得更高水平的参与和成功. Without question, Dr. 弗里德利有一个清晰的愿景和详细的计划,研究办公室如何促进和促进整个大学的学术学院和研究中心的研究和发展. Dr. 弗里德利是bet8体育娱乐入口在正确的时间正确的领导者,因为我们继续推进我们的研究足迹, impact, and specializations. Please join me and Drs. Agho, Carhart, Shetty, 并向范鲁南表示诚挚的感谢和永久的感谢, as well as heartfelt congratulations, to Dr. Fridley!

With Monarch Pride,

Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.